May 15, 2023

Flex heading from Bobby
We’re excited to announce that we’ve released a new SimpleKDS version to the Google Play app store. We’ve been listening to your feedback over the past months and we’ve integrated the following new features into SimpleKDS:
SimpleKDS can now display Unpaid Orders! This has been, by far, the most requested feature of our user base and the latest version of SimpleKDS will allow you to display Orders that are in progress and have not been paid. To enable this setting go to “Options” and enable the “Display Open Orders” setting.
Display Order Notes taken on the Clover alongside Orders in the Simple KDS display. You can enable this setting under “Options”, and checking “Display Order Notes”.
Play a sound when a new Order arrives. SimpleKDS can be configured to play a chime each time a new Order is received. You can enable this setting under “Options” and by selecting “Play sound when new Order arrives”.
Let us know how you like these features, and please email us any feature requests or bugs you find at . Also, we would greatly appreciate it if you can leave us a review on the Google Play store.
As always, SimpleKDS is completely free to you. Download the new version of SimpleKDS here.